- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Add Account
- Clock In
- Considerations
- Contact Time Log
- Contact Work Schedule
- Time Log
- Work Schedule
- Approvals
- Time Off
- Sickness
- Shift Work
- Account Management
- Contact Management
- Group Management
- User Settings
- Account
- Audit Log
- Subscription
Welcome to ClockIn Pal! Thank you for visiting the resource center. Our goal is to help you manage time schedules and keep flexible time, well, flexible. We want everyone on the same page to ensure what needs to be covered is covered, aligning your time with your customers' time.
We'll briefly introduce each section here, but we encourage you to watch the tutorial videos for a deeper understanding of what's possible. There's also a great demo mode to test out features before implementing them for yourself or your contacts.
ClockIn Pal can address various challenges. It can be used to manage contacts (typically employees or people working for you) or accounts (people you work for). For example, if you're a freelance graphic designer, you can get an account to use the application to know what you're working on and when you worked on it.
The ClockIn Pal mobile app, available on Apple and Google, follows the same workflows and logic as the main web application, with some modules omitted for on-the-go use. If you need any of those features, reach out to us, and we can consider adding them to the mobile app.
If you can't find what you're looking for or need more detailed help, please don't hesitate to send us a message.
Getting Started
We'll briefly introduce each section here, but we encourage you to watch the tutorial videos for a deeper understanding of what's possible. There's also a great demo mode to test out features before implementing them for yourself or your contacts.
ClockIn Pal can address various challenges. It can be used to manage contacts (typically employees or people working for you) or accounts (people you work for). For example, if you're a freelance graphic designer, you can get an account to use the application to know what you're working on and when you worked on it.
The ClockIn Pal mobile app, available on Apple and Google, follows the same workflows and logic as the main web application, with some modules omitted for on-the-go use. If you need any of those features, reach out to us, and we can consider adding them to the mobile app.
Let's explore each section of ClockIn Pal:
Time Log
Work Schedule
Time Off
Shift Work
Account Management
Contact Management
Group Management
User Settings
Audit Log
To start, you need to register, which you can do from the home page. You can register with us or use Google, Microsoft, or Apple (app only). Pay attention to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Once registered, you'll land on the home screen to get started.Getting Started
Getting Started
After you have registered and logged in, you will be directed to the home page.
Here are a few things we've observed:
We've noticed a few things.
A clock in button: Click this when you start your workday.
An account section, 'Accounts': Here, you'll see any accounts you add.
You can customize this page to add or remove specific sections.
I will be using ClockIn Pal to manage contacts
If you're managing contacts, we recommend the following setup to get you up and running quickly.
Home Page Settings:

Show Contacts
Show Pie Chart
Show Considerations
Show Work Schedule
Additional setup options:
Global Settings:
Subtract Breaks
Show Company Name to Contacts Sunday is the first day of the contact's working week
Return to the home screen to see your newly configured sections.

You won't see the 'Pie Chart' until you add some contacts.
It may be worth exploring the 'I will be using ClockIn Pal to manage or report to an account' setup to understand what your contacts will see and how they can be configured.
Home Page Settings:

Show Contacts
Show Pie Chart
Show Considerations
Show Work Schedule
Additional setup options:
Global Settings:
Subtract Breaks
Show Company Name to Contacts Sunday is the first day of the contact's working week
Return to the home screen to see your newly configured sections.

You won't see the 'Pie Chart' until you add some contacts.
It may be worth exploring the 'I will be using ClockIn Pal to manage or report to an account' setup to understand what your contacts will see and how they can be configured.
I will be using ClockIn Pal to report to accounts
If you intend to use ClockIn Pal to manage accounts or if an account has added you as a contact, consider the following setup:
Home Page Settings:

Show Accounts
Show Considerations
Show Last Actions
Return to the home screen to see your newly added sections.

You may also want to review the 'I will be using ClockIn Pal to manage contacts' section to understand what a user configured as an account may see.
Home Page Settings:

Show Accounts
Show Considerations
Show Last Actions
Return to the home screen to see your newly added sections.

You may also want to review the 'I will be using ClockIn Pal to manage contacts' section to understand what a user configured as an account may see.
Add Account
Add Account
To add a 'Contact,' you need a subscription. You can add a contact from the subscription page.See the subscription help guide for adding a contact.
To add an account, ensure 'Show Accounts' is selected in settings.
On the home page, click 'Add Account.'
The account must be registered with ClockIn Pal.
Selecting this allows you to enter the account's registered email address and confirm.
You can also appear in the account's 'Appear in Accounts Directory,' making you visible to other contacts for that account.

This means you'll be visible to other contacts for that account.
You'll appear for annual leave/time off cover, and your leave will be visible in calendars for the account's contacts.
If they exist and you're not their contact, you'll have a pending acceptance.

Once approved on their end, you can start working with that account: clock in/out, submit work schedules, and time logs.
Clock In
Clock In
Here, we will be discussing:Clock In
Take a Break...
Clock Out
The clock-in and clock-out time represent the duration of time worked.

When you clock in, we will create a new 'Time Log' for the current date at the time of the clock-in action.
This will allow you to take breaks or clock out, signifying the end of your work period.

These actions can be performed for the selected account or, if no account is selected, for your own record.
If you perform the action under an account, they will be able to see your clocked-in, clocked-out, or on-break status.
During a break, you cannot clock out.
These actions will be viewable in the 'Last Actions' tab.
You can only clock in up to six times in a day.
If you have more than one account, make sure you have selected the correct account to record the time log against.
If you have reported sick to an account, you must use the return-to-work function to indicate to that account that your sickness has ended, and you are fit for work.
Considerations are actions that your contacts or accounts have performed you might want to consider.
Here is a list of actions that will create a consideration:
Public Holiday
Work Schedule Pending Approval
Work Schedule Approved
Work Schedule Declined
Annual Leave Cover Request
Cover Approved
Cover Declined
Annual Leave Declined
Annual Leave Approved
Annual Leave Pending Approval
Annual Leave Cancellation Request
Annual Leave Cancellation Approved
Report Sickness
Sickness Acknowledged
Sickness Updated
Returned to Work:
Work Available
Applied for Work
Work Application Changed. Please Re-Apply
Withdrawn Work Application
Shift Work Deleted
Time Bank Declined
Time Log Edit Approved
Time Log Edit Declined
Time Bank Applied
Applied Bank Time Approved
Applied Bank Time Declined
Time Log Approval Creation
Time Log Approved
Annual Leave Banked
Annual Leave Banking Approved
Annual Leave Banking Declined
Time Log Clearance Approval
Time Log Clearance Declined
Upcoming Annual Leave
Time Off
Time Off Approved
Time Off Cancellation
Time Off Cancellation Approved
Returned to Work:
You can remove most considerations by selecting the remove function directly on the consideration.
Considerations that are linked to an approval will be removed once the action is taken.
Time Log
Contact Time Log
Contact Time Logs display time logs created by the selected contact. Considerations are actions that your contacts or accounts have performed that you might want to consider.Export
Create Time Log
Clear Log Times
Bank Time
Apply Banked Time
Export allows you to export time logs to a CSV file.You can select a range of times.
In the mobile app, the export will be emailed to your registered email.
Create Time Log
You can create a time log for the contact on days when the contact has not submitted anything themselves, and the date is in the past.Selecting the action brings up a form where you can add a simple day with notes and locations.
If you do not want to register a break, leave it as it is.
Once created, the time log will be sent to the contact for approval. When approved, it will appear as an approved entry. If declined, the log will no longer be visible (but check your considerations and audit log).
Clear Log Times
If the contact has a time log, you can submit a request to clear it. Upon approval, the time log will be cleared, and no hours will be submitted.Bank Time
Banking time allows you to take time the contact may have overworked and apply it to other days. This is also known as toil.Selecting the 'Bank Time' button will bring up a form representing the day and the logged hours.
Change the hours by subtracting the excess time from any of the values; this will show at the bottom of the form as 'Minutes Banked'.

For example, if a contact has worked an extra hour and should have finished at 5 pm, you can change the clock-out time to 5 pm, and you will see an hour banked.

Once confirmed, you will be taken back to the contact's log. The banked time will be submitted for approval by the contact.

Once approved, you will then see that the contact's clock-out time has changed to 5 pm, and their available banked time will be reduced by 60 minutes.

Apply Banked Time
We'll take an example where the contact is aware that they have banked 60 minutes of time and want to apply it to a time log. They will clock out at 4 pm, although their normal clock-out time is 5 pm.As long as there are hours against the log, you can apply the banked time.

Open the form by selecting the 'Apply Banked Time' button and amend the clock-out time to 5 pm. This will deduct the 60 minutes banked.
This will submit it for approval by the contact, and once approved, their clock-out time will change to 5 pm, and their banked time will decrease to 0 minutes.

Top Tip: If you want to create contact time logs in bulk, go to the Contact Management section.

In this section, you have some actions available:
Contact Work Schedule
Contact Work Schedule
Depending on your workflow, contacts can either submit work schedules for your approval or you can create schedules for them to approve.We'll demonstrate creating a work schedule for a contact in this example.
To view a contact's work schedule, select 'Time Submissions' on their home page.
Each week can be modified by selecting 'Amend Work Schedule,' which opens a similar page for creating or editing the schedule.
If there are already submitted hours for the week, they will be displayed here, but you can create your own schedule for approval.
For each day of the week, you can create a schedule by clicking 'Create Schedule.'
In this example, we've created a work schedule for the selected day and propagated it throughout the week, with the selected day being disabled. Then we confirm it.

We're not done yet. After reviewing the week's schedule, you can click 'Submit' at the top of the page.

This sends it to the contact for approval, and if approved, it becomes the accepted work schedule for the week.

If a contact declines a week, you can make edits and resubmit it for approval.
Edit Submission
You can edit the schedule anytime, but if it's already approved by the contact, you'll need to resubmit it for approval.Set No Schedule
If a contact has logged hours for a day, you can choose to clear the day and reset it to 0 hours. This requires resubmission.Pro Tip: To create work schedules in bulk, use the 'Contact Management' section, either by contact or by group.
Time Log
Time Log
The 'Time Log' is where your actions are recorded.Here you can expect to see:
Clock In
Clock Out
Break Started
Break Finished
Annual Leave
You can create a time log in two ways.
You can record your day using the home screen actions to clock in/out and take your breaks, or you can create a log altogether by selecting the 'Create Log' button.

The 'Create Log' button will only show if the day is the current day or a past day, and you can only complete a log creation if the clock-out time is less than the time you are currently standing in.
If this is against an account and the account has 'Automatically approve time log creations' selected, the log creation will immediately be approved. Otherwise, you will have to wait for approval.

You also have the ability to edit your times.
If you are editing against an account, the resulting change can go in two ways.
If the account has 'Automatically approve time log edits', then it will be immediately approved.
If the account does not have that set, you will have to wait for the edit to be approved before your times are updated.
If you want to clear the day, select the action button Clear Log Times.
If this is against an account and the account has 'Automatically approve time log removals' selected, the log creation will immediately be approved.
Otherwise, you will have to wait for approval.
Work Schedule
Work Schedule
You can create a work schedule for yourself or for an account.If you have accounts, the work schedule will default to the first active account added. You can find this in the action buttons at the top.

To create a schedule, select the 'Create Schedule' action button, which will show a form where you can do a few things.

The form is self-explanatory, but pay attention to the propagate checkboxes. If you are working the same hours all week, you can propagate the hours to the rest of the week.
If you are sending the schedule to an account, once you are happy with the week and hours you have created, select the 'Submit' button.

If the account has 'Automatically approve contact work schedules' selected, the work schedule will immediately show as approved. Otherwise, it will show as pending approval.
Set No Schedule
If you have a time log for the day but want to clear all hours, use this function. It will clear the work schedule for that day.Approvals
The Approvals feature (available with a subscription) allows you to approve submissions from either a contact or an account. Upon approval, the submission becomes a fact within the application.Here is a list of submissions that will trigger an approval process:
Annual Leave Banked
Annual Leave Approval
Annual Leave Cover Request
Contact Work Schedule
Annual Leave Cancellation Request
Time Banked
Time Log Edit
Time Bank Applied
Time Log Approval Creation
Clear Log
Time Off
Time Off Cancellation
Return to Work
Account Work Schedule
If you have your settings configured as follows:
Automatically approve time log edits
Automatically approve contact work schedules
Automatically approve contact work schedules
Work Schedules and Time Logs will be automatically approved.
Directory Calendar

The Directory Calendar will display all annual leave and time off for your contacts, along with the status of leave approvals. It will also show any covering contacts.
Time Off
Time Off
Time off can be split into two actions:Time Off - Does not deduct anything from annual leave.
Annual Leave - When approved, it will deduct days from given annual leave by account.
Each action will show the same type of form where you must define the number of days you have off, the account you are reporting to, and if you need cover.

Once submitted, this will be sent for approval.
If you have chosen cover, the approval will first go to the contact you have chosen for your cover, and it will only appear for the account to approve once the cover has approved it.
Each Time Off/Annual Leave record displayed is separated by the selected account.

The drop-down shows the current and next two annual leave years. Changing the year will show the remaining annual leave you have left.
If you are setting up leave for contacts, you can set up:
Default Annual Leave Count
Default Annual Leave Reset Month
Number of Hours per Annual Leave
If you want to set individual annual leave counts, you can do this from 'Contact Management'.
If you are feeling sick and need to report it to an account, this is the section for you.You have to be clocked out to do it, but selecting the 'Report Sickness' action button will bring up a form allowing you to fill in your reasons.

You do not have to define a 'Return to Work' date if you don't want to, but it can give an idea to the account of what they need to cover.
Once confirmed, it will send a notification to the selected account, and they can go to their approval and acknowledge the sickness, so you know someone has looked at it.
You will not be able to clock in while you are off sick.
Your sickness log will be created, and you will be able to 'Update' the log.

You can change the expected return to work date, which will again create a notification and acknowledgment (if it previously had been acknowledged), and you can also add additional notes as can they.

Once you are well enough, you can select the 'Return to Work' action button, which will inform the account, and you can continue to clock in and out.
Shift Work
Shift Work
Create Work
You may have some hours that need covering, and this is the perfect place to rectify that problem.First, you will want to click on the button action 'Advertise Shift Work', which will bring up a form where you can enter the details of the shift.

If you do not have any groups set up, the shift work will be advertised to all contacts. Selecting groups will mean that only those groups will be able to apply for that shift work.
You cannot create a shift for the current day or any dates in the past.
Once created, contacts that meet the criteria will be alerted to work being available and be able to apply.
Once they do, you will see the number of applications increase. Select 'View Details' action button, which will give you the option to see the applicants.

Approve or decline the applicant.

On approval, you can select the break times you want them to take if you have specified a break duration and add some notes.
If the applicant has already had a work schedule for that day put in place, you will be warned.
Once you feel the shift is adequately covered, you can go ahead and 'Close' the shift.
You will also notice, in the shift log under 'View Details', there is an option for 'Create work schedule approval on close'.
This means that on shift close, a work schedule will be sent to all successful applicants for approval.
Closing a Shift
On closing the shift, all approved applicants will be notified, and if you selected it, a work schedule will be created for approval.Any pending applicants will automatically be set to declined.
Once closed, the shift can no longer be changed.
Shift Edit
Editing a shift and confirming will remove all applicants for the shift, and they will need to reapply.Delete Shift
Deleting a shift and confirming will remove all applicants for the shift, and they will need to reapply.Applying for Shift Work
If you meet the shift requirements, you can apply for shift work.When you do, you will appear as an application to the account.
They will approve or decline your application.
If successful, you will be informed, and a work schedule may be created for you if the account chooses to create one.
Account Management
Account Management
Account Management provides an overview of your accounts.Each account provides vital information.
The information displayed depends on your filter settings.
Each account log entry has an option 'Include in Time Log Export.'
Selecting 'Export' will include them in the export.

These settings are:
Total Annual Leave Per Annum
This is the annual leave you've submitted and had approved by the contact.
Remaining Annual Leave
Total Time Off
Total Time Log Hours
It displays the hours you've logged for this account.
Total Hourly Rate
This is the rate you've set for this account within their 'Settings.'
Total Sickness
It shows the days you've reported as sick, from the first report until your return to work.
Available banked time (minutes) It reveals the number of minutes you've banked and can apply to other time logs.
This allows you to add notes to the account.Messages
Only the active message selected by the account will appear on your home screen.To see all messages created by the account, you can do so here.

There are additional settings you can configure for the account.
Is Active
Indicates if the account is active. Inactive accounts won't appear on this page.
You won't be available for selection for this account or cover if it's inactive. You also won't be able to create additional time logs or work schedules for this account.
Appear in accounts directory
If this isn't selected, your leave won't appear in other account contacts' calendars, and you won't be available for cover.
Account Rate per Hour
This is the rate you charge the account per hour for your time.
View Work Schedule Hours
Here, you can view the work schedules you've submitted to your accounts.If your account requires work schedules, this is where you can manage them.

Contact Management
Contact Management
The 'Contact Management' module provides an overview of all your contacts and their details.
Each contact is listed with details including:
Total Annual Leave Per Annum
Details about annual leave submitted and approved for each contact.
Remaining Annual Leave
Annual leave balances for each contact. Total Time Off
Time off records for each contact, excluding annual leave.
Total Time Log Hours
The number of hours logged by each contact.
Total Hourly Rate
The hourly rate set for each contact in their settings for hours or minutes worked.
Total Sickness
The number of days a contact has reported being sick. The range includes the initial report date until the return-to-work date.
Available banked time (minutes) The number of minutes banked for each contact, which can be applied to other time logs.
Management Views

You have various management views available, including:
View All Annual Leave
A comprehensive list of all contact leave, both annual and time off.View All Sickness
A list of sick reports submitted by contacts.View Work Schedule Hours
A breakdown of submitted hours from your contacts, helping you plan your weeks effectively.View Group Cover Summary
An overview of the hours scheduled for each group daily, ensuring core hours are covered adequately. A summary of approved work schedules submitted by contacts in each group.
You also have access to these options:
Update Message to Contacts
Create a message that will be displayed on the home screen of all your contacts.The active message will be visible to contacts, so be sure to delete any unnecessary messages.
Create time logs in bulk, rather than creating them individually.
Create Time Log

Please note that you cannot create logs that overlap with previously created logs; the date range must be clean.
Additionally, you cannot create logs for future dates.
Contacts can only approve time logs if they have a full subscription, so ensure they are assigned one of your subscription seats or have their own subscription.
You can also create work schedules in bulk for individual contacts or groups. Specify a date range starting from Sunday or Monday (depending on your start-of-week settings) and define the week's details.
Create test work schedules

This creates a full week submission, so if you leave days off for propagation, they will be marked as 'No Hours'.
Upon confirmation, the work schedule is sent for approval by the contact. If approved, it overrides any existing work schedules.
For more efficient bulk creation of work schedules, you can use the 'Contact Management' section.
On confirmation the work schedule will be sent for approval by the contact. If they do approve it, it will override any existing work schedules.
Group Management
Group Management
'Group Management' can be used to group your contacts.
Groups help you organize hours for different departments within your organization.
They are designed to handle areas of your business that require coverage and can also be used for quickly assigning work schedules.
When creating a group, provide the core hours that the group covers and the minimum coverage required. These values are used to determine hours covered in 'Contact Management'.
These values will be used to work out what hours are covered in 'Contact Management'.
User Settings
User Settings
'User Settings' are an important module to understand to get the best out of the application.We will break down each setting and its effects.
Notification Settings

Turn off all phone notifications If you have downloaded the phone application, you will receive notifications when certain submissions are made or approvals are actioned.
These notifications are based on changes:
Annual Leave
Shift Work
With this option unchecked, you will no longer receive these notifications.
Notify on late clock in
This will depend on 'Turn off all phone notifications' being selected.
If this is checked, a notification will be sent to the phone application if you do not clock in at the time stated within the approved set work schedule for that day.
Notify on late clock out
This will depend on 'Turn off all phone notifications' being selected.
If this is checked, a notification will be sent to the phone application if you do not clock out at the time stated within the approved set work schedule for that day.
Global Settings

Display company name to contacts
If you have contacts, you may want to show your organization name to them rather than your name. This is the option to do that. Sunday is the first day of the contact's working week
If you want time logs and work schedules to start with Sunday, this is the option to do that. You and your contacts (when they select your account) will see time logs and work schedules starting with Sunday with this selected. Subtract Breaks
With this selected, when the contact takes a break, the start and end time of the break will be deducted from the total hours between the clock in time and the clock out time.
This will apply to time logs and work schedules.
Time Format Setting
This is how times will be displayed throughout the application. You have a choice of 24-hour format or 12-hour format.
Date Format Setting
This is how dates will appear throughout the application. You have a choice for day/month/year or month/day/year.
Currency Symbol
There are places in the application which deal with currency, such as a contact/account rate, for example. You can change the currency symbol here.
You can change the currency symbol you prefer here.
Test Settings

Test Mode
'Test Mode' gives you the ability to test out features in a test environment.
It will assign you contacts and two test contact accounts to work with.
In this mode, your regular contacts and accounts will not show.
Create test time logs
When you 'Reset Test', if selected, it will create time logs for some of the test demo contacts.
Create test work schedules
When you 'Reset Test', if selected, it will create work schedules for some of the test demo contacts.
Create test absences
When you 'Reset Test', if selected, it will create reported sickness records for some of the test demo contacts.
Create test annual leave
When you 'Reset Test', if selected, it will create annual leave records for some of the test demo contacts.
Home Page Settings

Show Contacts
With this selected, on your home page, you will see all your contacts. If you do not have contacts, then you can deselect this option.
Show Pie Chart
With this selected, your home page will display a pie chart giving you a breakdown of your contact's states.
Show Accounts
With this selected, your home page will show accounts and clock in actions.
Giving you the ability to clock in and out for your selected account.
Show Considerations
With this selected, on your home page, you will see a tab for your considerations.
Show Last Actions
With this selected, you will see a tab on your home screen showing your last five actions.
This includes:
Clock In
Clock Out
Reported Sickness
Return to Work
Show Work Schedule
With this selected, you will see a tab showing the current day's work schedule for all your contacts.
Contact Approvals

Automatically approve time log edits
With this selected, when a contact edits a time log against your account, it will automatically be approved.
Automatically approve time log creations
With this selected, when a contact creates a time log against your account, it will automatically be approved.
Automatically approve time log removals
With this selected, when a contact removes (sets no hours) a time log against your account, it will automatically be approved.
Automatically approve contact work schedules
With this selected, when a contact creates a work schedule, it will automatically be approved.
Contact Annual Leave Settings

Here you can set up your annual leave settings.
Default Annual Leave Count
This is the default number of days of annual leave each contact will have.
This can be overridden by going into a contact's individual settings in 'Contact Management'.
Default Annual Leave Reset Month
This is the month when annual leave resets every year.
Number of Hours per Annual Leave
If you set this, when your contact is on annual leave, a number of hours will be applied. This is important to set if your contact has paid leave.
The 'Account' section allows you to control details about your account.Delete Account

Deleting your account will remove your name, email address, image, and messages. Anything associated with your device will also be deleted.
You will no longer have access to this account.
If your contact or account deletes their account, you will still have access to their clock in/out time logs and work schedules, but they will appear as 'Deleted Account.'
Audit Log
Audit Log
The audit log allows you to view every action you have taken. Each time data is changed, a record is created, and you can review it here.Subscription
Subscriptions are broken down into three:Free
You can use all of the features apart from Approvals. You can have one account/contact at any time.
Basic Subscription
You have all of the features, as many accounts/contacts as you like, and have 10 seats.
Ultimate Subscription
You have all of the features, as many accounts/contacts as you like, and have 100 seats.
Number of Seats Applied
What do we mean when we say 'Seats'?Giving a contact a seat allows the contact to have full access, so they can use all the features.
You can do this in two ways:
1) Get the person to register with ClockIn Pal and then have them add you as an account. Once you have approved that, you can then go into 'Subscriptions' and assign a seat to the account; they will then have full access.
2) Create a contact from the subscription page. This will allow you to create a contact and set up the account with user settings you feel your contact will need. This will send them an email with a password, and they will be able to then login to ClockIn Pal and get started. This will automatically approve the contact for you and assign one seat.
If the contact already has a subscription or been assigned a seat by another account, you will not be able to assign them one of yours. If the contact sets themselves inactive against your account or deletes their account, they will lose the seat, and you can apply it to someone else.
If you set them inactive, you will need to remove the seat yourself.